Web Hosting Control Panel’s 1 Click Framework Installer
Kick–start your web enterprise using a PHP framework

Inside the Foiltek Web Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a practical tool that will allow you to set up a new PHP framework within seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool performs the whole task on your behalf, and thus eliminates the requirement to get a hold of, install and then set up your framework before you start any project. You’re going to be ready to commence your framework reliant venture right away, with little effort.
Numerous frameworks available
Initiate your web venture using a framework
With the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer incorporated into the Foiltek Web Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to install diverse PHP frameworks, all of them offering a different variety of characteristics and uses: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.
Every single PHP framework is upgraded to the current stable edition and its integration demands absolutely no setup whatsoever.
1–click PHP framework installing
Your PHP framework is simply a mouse click away
The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is meant to work on the same basic principle like our App Installer – through little effort required from you and also Foiltek Web Hosting’s system performing all the hard work for you. PHP frameworks are set up with just a number of mouse clicks with no setup demanded from you. All you need to do is choose the location of your PHP framework. That’s it.
We keep a record of the set up PHP frameworks and you may un–install every single PHP framework which you don’t need with only a click.
1–click data backup
The easiest solution to back up a framework
Every solid coder knows that it’s very important to possess a backup of one’s project to rely on in the case of a problem. This is exactly why, we included a 1–click backup tool in our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer. It’ll help you to back up your framework and all the alterations you have made, with merely a mouse click.
There isn’t a backup limitation. Provided you have free disk space in the account, you can make as many backups as you want.